Getting Started

Add the MC License bot to your Discord server to manage your plugin licenses directly through Discord. To add the bot:

  1. Use this link
  2. Select the server you would like to add it to
  3. Follow Discord’s server authorisation process

Linking Your Discord Account

Before using the bot, you’ll need to link your Discord account with your MC License dashboard account:

  1. Navigate to the bottom left of your screen and left-click on the settings icon
  2. From the dropdown menu, select ‘Manage Account’
  3. In the opened dialog, locate ‘Connected Accounts’
  4. Click ’+ Connect Account’ and follow the Discord authentication flow

Linking your Discord account is required to ensure secure access to your licenses through the bot.


Creating a New License

The /createlicense command allows you to generate new licenses for your plugins through an interactive interface.

All license creation interactions are ephemeral, meaning only you can see them.

Steps to Create a License:

  1. Type /createlicense in any channel
  2. A dropdown menu will appear showing your available plugins
  3. Select the plugin you want to create a license for
  4. Fill out the license details in the modal:
    • User: The user who will be assigned the license, as a string
    • Max IPs: Maximum number of IP addresses allowed to use this license, as an integer
    • Expiry Date: When the license will expire

When setting the expiry date, use the format DD/MM/YYYY (e.g. 01/01/2024).

Editing an Existing License

Use the /editlicense command to modify the details of an existing license.

Command Usage:

/editlicense <licenseKey>


  • licenseKey: The license key UUID that you’d like edit

After entering the command with a valid license key, a modal will open allowing you to update:

  • User: The user who will be assigned the license, as a string
  • Max IPs: Maximum number of IP addresses allowed to use this license, as an integer
  • Expiry Date: When the license will expire

Make sure you have the necessary permissions to edit licenses before using this command.

Best Practices

  • Keep your license keys secure and don’t share them publicly
  • Regularly review active licenses to ensure they’re assigned to the correct users
  • Set appropriate IP limits based on your plugin’s intended use case
  • Consider setting reasonable expiration dates to maintain control over license distribution


If you encounter any issues:

  • Verify the bot has the necessary permissions in your Discord server
  • Ensure you’re using the correct command syntax
  • Check that the license key exists when using /editlicense
  • Contact support if you continue experiencing problems